Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.
A more comprehensive list of tasks to which web development commonly refers, may include web engineering, web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. Among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding
Since the commercialization of the web, web development has been a growing industry. The growth of this industry is being driven by businesses wishing to use their website to sell products and services to customers.
Enterprise software, commonly referred to as enterprise application software (EAS), is computer software used to meet the needs of an organization rather than specific users. Businesses, schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and governments are some examples of these organizations. A system of (computer-based) information that includes enterprise software is referred to as an enterprise system. These systems manage a variety of functions within an organization to improve business and management reporting requirements. The systems can be implemented across many networks and must process the data very quickly.
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. E-commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. E-commerce is in turn driven by the technological advances of the semiconductor industry, and is the largest sector of the electronics industry.
Mobile apps require features on the backend, including notification service, integration with social networks, and cloud storage. Each of these services has its own API that must be individually incorporated into an app, a process that can be time-consuming and complicated for app developers. backend as a service providers form a bridge between the frontend of an application and various cloud-based backends via a unified API and SDK.
A content management system (CMS) is computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content. A CMS is typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). ECM typically supports multiple users in a collaborative environment by integrating document management, digital asset management, and record retention. The core CMS features are: indexing, search and retrieval, format management, revision control, and management.
Custom web development refers to a customized website solution for your brand, business objective, product, or services. It enables you to have a unique website. Apart from the obvious design of the website, a unique website also includes various functionalities developed to be as efficient as possible, to help your business goals instead of harming them.